om gam gaN pataye na ma ha |
ga jaa na nam bhoot ga Naa dhi say vitam |
ka pit tha jamboo phal saar bhak sha Nam |
umaa su tam shok vi naa sha kaara Nam |
namaa mi vigh nesh var paad panka jam |
Om. Adorations to Ganesh-the Lord of Ganas! I adore the lotus feet of Lord Ganesh, the son of Goddess Uma, the remover of obstacles, destroyer of grief; who is attended on by the Bhutas Ganas (the deities presiding over the elements), who is the eater of the essence of Kapittha and Jambu fruits (who is the revealer of the Truth behind the world-process).
ma no ja vam maa rut tul ya ve gam |
ji tain dri yam bud dhi ma taam varish Tham |
waa taat ma jam waa nar yooth mukh yam |
shree raam doo tam shar Nam pra pad ye |
I find refuge in Lord Rama's Messenger, who is swift as thought, powerful as the wind, in control of his senses, supremely intelligent, commander of the army of forest creatures, and son of the wind-god.
yaa kun den du tu shaar haar dha va laa |
yaa shu bhra vas traa vritaa |
yaa vee Na var danDa man Dit karaa |
yaa shway ta pad maa sa naa |
yaa brah maa chyuta shan kar pra bhri ti bhir |
dey va hi sa daa poo ji taa |
saa maam paa tu sa ra swa tee bha ga vatee |
nih shey sh jaa Dyaa pa haa |
May that Goddess whose complexion is fair like the shining moon, Who wears a garland of snow-white jasmine flower and is adorned by a luminous white garment; Whose hands are decked by Veena (musical instrument) and Vara-danda (staff of blessings); who is seated on a white lotus; who is ever adored by Bhrama, Vishnu, Shiva, and other gods; who destroys all forms of inertia and dullness; May that Goddess Saraswati protect and sustain me!
moo kam ka ro ti vaa chaa lam |
pan gum lan ghaya te gi rim |
yat kri paa tam ham van dey |
par maa nand maa dha vam |
I salute that Madhava, the source of supreme bliss, whose Grace makes the dumb eloquent and the cripple cross mountains!
kar poor gau ram ka ru Naa va taa ram |
san saar saa ram bhuj gain dra haa ram |
sa daa va san tam hri da yaar vin dey |
bha vam bha vaa nee sa hi tam na maa mi |
O Lord Shankar, you are as pure as kapur in color and the symbol of kindness. This universe is full of inhappiness. O Shankar, I observe happiness in you. Always stay in my heart now and forever because I am surrendering unto you.
guru r brah maa guru r vishNuh |
guru r dey vo ma hey shwarah |
guru saak shaat par brah ma |
tas ma i shree gu ra vay na ma h |
tva mev maa taa cha pi taa tva mev |
tva mev ban dhush cha sa khaa tva mev |
tva mev vid yaa dravi Nam tva mev |
tva mev sar vam mam dey va dey va |
om bhoo r bhu vah swa ha |
tat sa vi tur va ray N yam |
bha r go dey vas ya dhee ma hee |
dhi yo yo nah pra cho da yaat |
*We recite Gayatri Mantra 3 times
ach yu tam kay sha vam |
raam naa raa ya Nam |
kri sh Na daa mo da ram |
vaa su dey vam ha rey |
sh ree dha ram maa dha vam |
go pi kaa valla bha m |
jaa na kee naa ya kam |
raam chan dram bha jey |
om sa ha naa va va tu sa ha nau bhu nak tu |
sa ha veer ya m kar vaa va hai |
te jas vi naa va dhee ta mas tu |
maa vid vi shaa va hai |
om shaan ti h shaan ti h shaan ti h |
om poo r Na ma da h poo r Na mi dam |
poo r Naat poo r Na mu da ch ya tey |
poo r Na sya poo r Na maa daa ya |
poo r Na may vaa va shi shya tey |
om shaan ti h shaan ti h shaan ti h |