Pinnacle Order
Directory: Dropbox/Vidyalaya-Roster/2018-19/OpeningDay/pdf/
01Room ListwhiteOpeningDay::PrintAllRooms(); Room signs
pdftk Room* cat output Room.pdf
02Family DetailsWhiteOpeningDay::PrintDistributionMaterial(); Family pages for binder
pdftk Fam* cat output Family.pdf
03Thank YouWhiteOpeningDay::PrintTeacherThankYou(); Tacher Thank you notes
pdftk Teacher* cat output Teacher.pdf
04HomeworkBlue, 3-hole, duplexOpeningDay::PrintHomework(); Homework Log/Birthday
pdftk Home* cat output Homework.pdf
05Languagegolden rod, 3-hole, duplex Language Material
pdftk Lang* cat output Language.pdf
06CalendarWhite ThickDakhila, export to Word Calendar for Refrigerator
Label/Badge Printing
01Label5160OpeningDay::PrintFamilyList();Request Praveen to Print Dropbox\Vidyalaya-Roster\2018-19\OpeningDay\familyList.csv, sort by family id
02Badge??Publications::BadgeFile();Request Praveen to convert Dropbox/Vidyalaya-Roster/2018-19/roster/studentbadge.csv (sort by family id, student id) to Badge pdf. Anurag to print and sort by family id.
Reports for email
Roster Student, Parent names, contact
Attendance Attendance Sheet
uses file Dropbox/Vidyalaya-Management/Admission/attendance2018.xlsx (hardcoded)
Admission ConfirmationAug 1Tell families what we know about them and enrolment
Opening DaySeptember 9Opening day announcement and family information
TeachersSeptember 9Welcome, roster, attendance sheet
Email Programs
  1. Aug 1 email about money and volunteering
    1. AnnualEvent::enrollment();;
    2. Principal to approve draft
  2. email registered families: day before opening day.
    1. Report_familyEmail::doit('openingDay');
    2. Principal to approve draft
    3. Email sent to a family
  3. email Teachers: day before opening day.
    1. Report_teacherEmail::doAllStatic(openingDayAttendanceRoster");
    2. Principal to approve draft
    3. Email sent to a person
    4. loadYear() function can be modified to restrict it to subset
    5. Depreacated: 026 - Opening Day Invitation, should be sent from Admissions, roster, attendance
    6. Deprecated029 - should be sent from spa, roster, attendance. update
    7. Deprecated - 032 - Assessment, only to language teachers, should go from spa
Work Allocation
Asmita/AnuragApprove email drafts
  1. Confirmation
  2. Opening Day
  3. Teachers
UmeshAll files should be ordered correctly, verify page count
UmeshInventory Check
UmeshCreate Mailing lists for Teachers
UmeshCreate Mailing lists for all
AnilGet Handbook Ready by End of August
JillPrepare Language Classes
August 1, 2018
  1. mail admission confirmations
  2. Umesh count the material he has at home
  3. Praveen to print sticker for family bags
  4. Praveen to prepare pdf for badges
  5. sanjay and team to decide whether to print it
  6. Umesh: Prepare Documents for Printer
    1. Room List to give to Anurag
    2. Distribution Material
    3. Homework, Language File
    4. Make sure it is in same order as distribution material.
    5. Give new student list to Monika, Dropbox/Vidyalaya-Roster/2018-19/roster/newStudents.csv, Publications::NewStudents(2018);
  7. Umesh: Prepare Documents for Electronic distribution
    1. Attendance sheet - actually decide if to distribute printed version (NO)
    2. Mailing list
    3. Class Roster
  8. Sanjay Khera: Purchase binder and three hole punch paper.
Sep 9, 2018
  1. Send emails
  2. Put the stuff together (see above)
  3. Sanjay/Rajiv/Mahendra: Carry stuff to school
Sep 10, 2018
Distribute (see above)
  1. Picture - try to concoct a plan and try to get some pictures .
  2. Asmita/Anurag to prepare opening day

Print Order

  1. Calendar.pdf:
  2. 1 page:
    Please print 120 copies on thick paper stock. 8.5x11 SS black ink - 80# white cardstock
  3. PrayerBook2012.pdf
  4. 86 pages: 50 copies of Prayer Book, same specifications as last year.
  5. Vidyalaya Handbook 2014.pdf
  6. 36 pages:
    We need 130 copies of the handbook. 8.5x11, folded and saddle-stitched. Cover - Goldenrod cardstock, Text - 20#, DS B&W
  7. family.pdf
  8. 601 pages : standard letter size paper
  9. room.pdf
  10. 15 pages: standard letter size paper
  11. teacher.pdf
  12. 52 pages:
    standard letter size paper
  13. homework.pdf
  14. 366 pages:
    duplex printing, 3 hole paper, blue stock
  15. language.pdf
  16. 1464 pages:
    duplex printing, 3 hole paper, goldenroad stock


Suggestions are welcome before and after the event.
TimeSaturday 9 September 2018
14 Sky Top Drive
Denville, NJ 07834
ArrivalPark the car in the driveway and come to the back of the house
Take the door to go down to basement
ObjectiveOrganize 116 bags.
91 returning familes 25 new families.
Total students 183, new students 43
Bring addional hands. More hands == less time
Pile managersCollect Material into White Bags
Runners From Pile to Packagers. General cleanup.
Packager organize white bag, verify complete and correct. Put it behind you
Carrier Organize bags by number on sticker. Keep workspace clean.
Work Flow
Pile Manager
BagsPick one white bag
LabelPut Family Label on bag
TeacherIf the sticker says Teacher, One page from Teacher Appreciation pile
Collect all until Family Id changes
Family1 Family, 1 Photo, 2 cover per student
Blue1 per student
Yellow 4 per student
Badge1per student
Runner will carry completed bags to Packager
We expect seven (6x20 plus spillover) rows of bags
Drivers carries packages from Packing location and bring it to school by 8:45am
Remove All content of white bag
Put Photo page, badges and teacher page back in.
Add a handbook and a calendar.
For each student listed on Family page
One binder for each student
Insert front and back page on each binder
Insert blue and yellow pages inside binder
Put 2 pencils per student
New Student Call runner and insert bag with prayer book, prayer cd.
Read Family Information page in the bag for packing list and verify
Place completed bag behind you for pickup by Carrier.
Morning Distribution
  1. Organize binders by family id
  2. One person for check in
  3. A set of people to deliver the bags
  4. Before delivering, look at the sticker. Welcome new families and thank the teaching families for their service.
  5. If we are able to put stickers for new student on the white bag, greet the new student
  6. Umesh to deal with people who cannot find their family id or read emails or are difficult in other ways.
Anand Shukla
It would be great if you can take care of coordinating the activities for the whole session. There are various people who worked on it throughout the year in the past and I would gladly put you in touch with them. During the summer the first task is to prepare a calendar of events so we can distribute the calendar. One major decision is to decide the type of annual event. In the past, we have alternated between Mela and Stage presentations. Assuming, you elect to go for Mela, you may consider formalizing it by talking to Malini. It also means that language presentations will need to be scheduled in the calendar.
  1. come early and setup two photo booth somewhere
  2. organize two good quality SLR cameras
  3. a family will come with a paper in hand
  4. click pictures - individual and family - and write the picture number from camera on the paper
  5. save the paper
Reports for publication
SchoolName and location of school
Family List Enrolled families and volunteers
File: Dropbox/Vidyalaya-Roster/2018-19/roster/word/2018.docx
Teachers Teachers
AdSponsor Advertisements
LayoutSchool Layout with Classes
CalendarCalendar for the year
  1. Provide Calendar to Coordinator for school rental
  2. Organize a meeting for team lead in the week before school opening
  3. Language will do presentation, higher first, culture teachers will organize mela. Administration will do initial allcoation and Principal will review and finalize.

For each folder

  1. Student Details [Front Cover]
  2. Rooms Etc. [Back Cover]
  3. Please see Dropbox\Vidyalaya-Roster\2018-19\OpeningDay\pdf\File-xxx.pdf
  4. Blue Homework Log Sheet
  5. Please see Dropbox\Vidyalaya-Roster\2018-19\OpeningDay\pdf\Homework-xxx-yyyy.pdf
  6. Yellow Language Transliteration Sheets
  7. Please see Dropbox\Vidyalaya-Roster\2018-19\OpeningDay\pdf\Language-xxx-yyyy.pdf
  8. Prayer Books [New Children]

For each family

  1. Calendar- Not Umesh
  2. Welcome Letter from Principal - No instructions to Umesh


  1. Parent Handbooks [Anil]
  2. Culture Books [Malini]