
Vidyalaya offers Language classes for Levels 1 through 6

Curriculum Hindi, Gujarati and Telugu


Written activities
Short writing samples
Preparation done at home
Journal Short entries
Article and textbook readings
Open-ended written responses
Speaking practice at home
Viewing and creating multi-media programs
Taking notes
Participating in group activities
Presenting material orally in class
Volunteering answers and demonstrating understanding
Participating in cultural or guided conversations
Working individually and cooperatively with others to achieve class goals
Participating in Peer Editing
Writing Assignments
Formal individual presentations
Formal group presentations
Formal debates
Formal Journals


Combination of Midterm, Final and other Formal Assessments: 60%
Combination of Homework and Class Performance: 40%


#LiteracySocial StudiesScienceMath
1 Reading own name
Nouns and Adjectives
Verbs (present tense)
Introduce alphabet sounds
Basic Prepositions
Greetings I
Myself and family members
Home life and daily routine
Language I
Farm Animals
Fruits & Vegetables
Parts of the body I
Numbers 0-10
Days of the week
2 Reading alphabet
Sounds in words
Writing alphabet
Introduce vowel recognition
Writing own name Singular/Plural nouns
Adjectives & gender
Greetings II
School life and daily
routine I & II
Classroom Objects
Leisure time
Classroom Lang. II
Zoo Animals
Food and drinks
Parts of the body II
Seasons and weather
Numbers 11-20
Ordinal numbers 1-10
Time I
Months of the year
3 Reading and writing vowels (Barakhadi)
Reading composite alphabet, simple words and phrases
Writing words, phrases and basic sentences
Verbs (past tense)
Conjunctions and basic punctuation
Community Helpers & places Occupations
School life and daily routine III
Birds and insects
Injuries, illnesses and treatments
Directions (EWNS)
Numbers 21-30
Ordinal numbers 11-25
4 Reading blended consonants
Reading at sentence and paragraph level
Writing blended words and complex vowel sounds
Basic sentence and question construction
Model correct use of grammar
Verbs (future tense)
Self and others:
Meeting people/ Extended relationships
Famous people
Describing people
Home life, routines and responsibilities
Order a meal in a restaurant
Human life cycle
Food grains
Diet and Exercise
Food recipes
Numbers 31-50
Time II
5 Reading multiple paragraphs
Writing at multiple sentence level
Complex and compound sentence construction
Emphasize gramma-tical concepts
Translate into English
Noun cases
Intro to literature
Classic folktales
Country profile: India and USA
Post and Mail
Asking directions
Earth and its elements
Solar system
Numbers 51-100
6 Reading short stories with simple text
Writing at paragraph level
Emphasize correct use of grammar
Translate from English into target language
Punctuation II
Basic fiction and nonfiction literature
Media Arts
Current Affairs
Indian Customs and Traditions
Environmentnational/international Numbers 100+


In accordance with district policy as mandated by the New Jersey Administrative Code and the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, the following are proficiencies required for the successful completion of the above named course.

The student will:

  1. exchange greetings and farewells appropriate to the time of day.
  2. introduce themselves and others.
  3. through oral and/or written communication, ask and respond to questions of well-being.
  4. respond to teacher’s commands.
  5. identify classroom objects and places in the school.
  6. count numbers and ordinal numbers as appropriate for the class level.
  7. identify and use vocabulary associated with a calendar.
  8. tell and ask what time it is.
  9. say what subjects they enjoy.
  10. through oral and/or written communication, identify family members.
  11. through oral and/or written communication, describe themselves and others.
  12. state their age and the age of others.
  13. through oral and/or written communication, express likes and dislikes.
  14. say where people are from and state how they’re related to self.
  15. through oral and/or written communication, identify and talk about professions.
  16. say what they and others are wearing.
  17. say what color objects are.
  18. say what they want to purchase and ask how much it costs.
  19. talk about seasons and weather.
  20. through oral and/or written communication, identify and talk about foods and drinks.
  21. talk about various culturally appropriate foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
  22. express hunger and thirst, other emotions and feelings.
  23. order and ask for the check.
  24. through oral and/or written communication, identify sports and talk about how the sport is played.
  25. through oral and/or written communication, identify and discuss likes and dislikes regarding different hobbies and interests.
  26. compare and contrast the holidays of target culture to those of the United States.
  27. through oral and/or written communication, identify and describe the leisure activities they are involved in such as clubs, vacations, music, art or other extra-curricular activities.
  28. through oral and/or written communication, describe sequence of events or actions.
  29. identify and describe where they spend their leisure time.
  30. identify rooms and objects in the house.
  31. through oral and/or written communication, identify and describe items in the house.
  32. identify and recognize chores performed in different rooms of the house and state what activity takes place in each room.
  33. through oral and/or written communication, identify and describe items used to do the chores.
  34. identify and use vocabulary related to variety of categories (nouns, verbs, adjectives, alphabet sounds, etc.).
  35. through oral and/or written communication, understand and use correct grammatical forms in sentences.
  36. through oral and/or written communication, ask and respond to a variety of wh-question forms.
  37. through oral and/or written communication, identify and describe locations and buildings in their town.
  38. give and follow directions.
  39. identify states of India and locations where target language is practiced.
  40. ask for help, clarification or repetition as required.
  41. through reading, identify letters of the alphabet and corresponding sounds in target language.
  42. through speaking and/or writing, use letters of the alphabet to form words.
  43. through oral and/or written communication, understand and use figurative language (idioms, proverbs, etc.).
  44. through oral and/or written communication , translate from target language to English.
  45. through oral and/or written communication , translate from English to target language.
Asking Directions
Classrom Objects
Community Helpers and Places
Cook Book
Days of the Week
Describing People
Earth and Its Elements
Extended Relationships
Farm Animals
Feelings and Emotions
Food Grains and Spices
Fruits and Vegetables
Idioms or Figurative Language
Media Arts
Ordinal Numbers
Parts of the Body
Picture Description
Punctuation and Spelling
Reading Alphabet
Reading Comprehension
Reading Short Passages
School Life and Daily Routine
Simple Description and Gender
Social Life and Daily Routine
Sounds in Words
Vocabulary and Word Recall Game