अनर्वाणं वर्षभं मन्द्रजिह्वं बर्हस्पतिं वर्धया नव्यमर्कैः |
गाथान्यः सुरुचो यस्य देवा आश्र्ण्वन्ति नवमानस्य मर्ताः ||
तं रत्विया उप वाचः सचन्ते सर्गो न यो देवयतामसर्जि |
बर्हस्पतिः स हयञ्जो वरांसि विभ्वाभवत सं रते मातरिश्वा ||
उपस्तुतिं नमस उद्यतिं च शलोकं यंसत सवितेव पर बाहू |
अस्य करत्वाहन्यो यो अस्ति मर्गो न भीमो अरक्षसस्तुविष्मान ||
अस्य शलोको दिवीयते पर्थिव्यामत्यो न यंसद यक्षभ्र्द विचेताः |
मर्गाणां न हेतयो यन्ति चेमा बर्हस्पतेरहिमायानभि दयून ||
ये तवा देवोस्रिकं मन्यमानाः पापा भद्रमुपजीवन्ति पज्राः |
न दूढ्ये अनु ददासि वामं बर्हस्पते चयस इत पियारुम ||
सुप्रैतुः सूयवसो न पन्था दुर्नियन्तुः परिप्रीतो न मित्रः |
अनर्वाणो अभि ये चक्षते नो.अपीव्र्ता अपोर्णुवन्तो अस्थुः ||
सं यं सतुभो.अवनयो न यन्ति समुद्रं न सरवतो रोधचक्राः |
स विद्वानुभयं चष्टे अन्तर्ब्र्हस्पतिस्तर आपश्च गर्ध्रः ||
एवा महस्तुविजातस्तुविष्मान बर्हस्पतिर्व्र्षभो धायि देवः |
स न सतुतो वीरवद धातु गोमद वि... ||
1. GLORIFY thou Bṛhaspati, the scatheless, who must be praised with hymns, sweet-tongued and mighty,
To whom as leader of the song, resplendent, worthy of lauds, both Gods and mortals listen.
2 On him wait songs according to the season even as a stream of pious men set moving.
Bṛhaspati—for he laid out the expanses—was, at the sacrifice, vast Mātariśvan.
3 The praise, the verse that offers adoration, may he bring forth, as the Sun sends his arms out,
He who gives daily light through this God's wisdom, strong as a dread wild beast, and inoffensive.
4 His song of praise pervades the earth and heaven: let the wise worshipper draw it, like a courser.
These of Bṛhaspati, like hunters' arrows, go to the skies that change their hue like serpents.
5 Those, God, who count thee as a worthless bullock, and, wealthy sinners, live on thee the Bounteous,—
On fools like these no blessing thou bestowest: Bṛhaspati, thou punishest the spiteful.
6 Like a fair path is he, where grass is pleasant, though hard to win, a Friend beloved most early.
Those who unharmed by enemies behold us, while they would make them bare, stood closely compassed.
7 He to whom songs of praise go forth like torrents, as rivers eddying under banks flow sea-ward—
Bṛhaspati the wise, the eager, closely looks upon both, the waters and the vessel.
8 So hath Bṛhaspati, great, strong and mighty, the God exceeding powerful, been brought hither.
May he thus lauded give us kine and horses. May we find strengthening food in full abundance.