- कङकतो न कङकतो.अथो सतीनकङकतः | दवाविति पलुषी इति नयद्र्ष्ट अलिप्सत ||
- अद्र्ष्टान हन्त्यायत्यथो हन्ति परायती | अथो अवघ्नती हन्त्यथो पिनष्टि पिंषती ||
- शरासः कुशरासो दर्भासः सैर्या उत | मौञ्जा अद्र्ष्टा वैरिणाः सर्वे साकं नयलिप्सत ||
- नि गावो गोष्ठे असदन नि मर्गासो अविक्षत | नि केतवो जनानां नयद्र्ष्टा अलिप्सत ||
- एत उ तये परत्यद्र्श्रन परदोषं तस्करा इव | अद्र्ष्टा विश्वद्र्ष्टाः परतिबुद्धा अभूतन ||
- दयौर्वः पिता पर्थिवी माता सोमो भरातादितिः सवसा | अद्र्ष्टा विश्वद्र्ष्टास्तिष्ठतेलयता सु कम ||
- ये अंस्या ये अङगयाः सूचीका ये परकङकताः | अद्र्ष्टाः किं चनेह वः सर्वे साकं नि जस्यत ||
- उत पुरस्तात सूर्य एति विश्वद्र्ष्टो अद्र्ष्टहा | अद्र्ष्टान सर्वाञ जम्भयन सर्वाश्च यातुधान्यः ||
- उदपप्तदसौ सूर्यः पुरु विश्वानि जूर्वन | आदित्यः पर्वतेभ्यो विश्वद्र्ष्टो अद्र्ष्टहा ||
- सूर्ये विषमा सजामि दर्तिं सुरावतो गर्हे | सो चिन नु नमराति नो वयं मरामारे अस्य योजनं हरिष्ठा मधु तवामधुला चकार ||
- इयत्तिका शकुन्तिका सका जघास ते विषम | सो चिन नु ... ||
- तरिः सप्त विष्पुलिङगका विषस्य पुष्यमक्षन | ताश्चिन्नु न मरन्ति नो वयं म... ||
- नवानां नवतीनां विषस्य रोपुषीणाम | सर्वासामग्रभं नामारे अस्य यो... ||
- तरिः सप्त मयूर्यः सप्त सवसारो अग्रुवः | तास्ते विषं वि जभ्रिर उदकं कुम्भिनीरिव ||
- इयत्तकः कुषुम्भकस्तकं भिनद्म्यश्मना | The poison-insect is so small; I crush the creature with a stone.
- कुषुम्भकस्तदब्रवीद गिरेः परवर्तमानकः | Forth issuing from the mountain's side the poison-insect spake and said:
ततो विषं पर वाव्र्ते पराचीरनु संवतः ||
I turn the poison hence away, departed unto distant lands.
वर्श्चिकस्यारसं विषमरसं वर्श्चिक ते विषम ||
Scorpion, they venom is but weak.
Both creatures, stinging, unobserved, with poison have infected me. 2 Coming, it kills the unobserved; it kills them as it goes away,
It kills them as it drives them off, and bruising bruises them to death. 3 Sara grass, Darbha, Kuśara, and Sairya, Muñja, Vīraṇa,
Where all these creatures dwell unseen, with poison have infected me. 4 The cows had settled in their stalls, the beasts of prey had sought their lairs,
Extinguished were the lights of men, when things unseen infected me. 5 Or these, these reptiles, are observed, like lurking thieves at evening time.
Seers of all, themselves unseen: be therefore very vigilant. 6 Heaven is your Sire, your Mother Earth, Soma your Brother, Aditi
Your Sister: seeing all, unseen, keep still and dwell ye happily. 7 Biters of shoulder or of limb, with needle-stings, most venomous,
Unseen, whatever ye may be, vanish together and be gone. 8 Slayer of things unseen, the Sun, beheld of all, mounts, eastward, up,
Consuming all that are not seen, and evil spirits of the night. 9 There hath the Sun-God mounted up, who scorches much and everything.
Even the Āditya from the hills, all-seen, destroying things unseen. 10 I hang the poison in the Sun, a wine-skin in a vintner's house,
He will not die, nor shall we die: his path is far: he whom Bay Horses bear hath turned thee to sweet meath. 11 This little bird, so very small, hath swallowed all thy poison up.
She will not die, nor shall we die: his path is far: he whom Bay Horses bear hath turned thee to sweet meath. 12 The three-times-seven bright sparks of fire have swallowed up the poison's strength.
They will not die, nor shall we die: his path is far: he whom Bay Horses bear hath turned thee to sweet meath. 13 Of ninety rivers and of nine with power to stay the venom's course,—
The names of all I have secured: his path is far: he whom Bay Horses bear hath turned thee to sweet meath. 14 So have the peahens three-times-seven, so have the maiden Sisters Seven
Carried thy venom far away, as girls bear water in their jars.