
Language Coordinator Prepare evaluation templates
Technology Email evaluation sheets to teachers.
Language Coordinator Receive evaluation back, saved clenaed version
Technology Email Evaluation report to families
Database tables
In the enrollment table, a student is placed in "availableClass" object.
It refers to a "course" object. The "course" is made of department, sub-department and level.
Each language is a separate department.
Templates are stored in Dropbox/Vidyalaya-Language/ModifiedLanguageAssessment/1 folder.
subdirectory 1 is for legacy/future enhancement reasons. It refers to traditional language classes.
  1. Directory 1 is for traditional Language classes
  2. Directory 2 is for conversation Language classes - discontinued
  3. Directory 3 is for Kindergarten Language program. The KG class is level 0. - discontinued
  4. Number 4 is reserved for standbly teachers. No students will ever be enrolled in it
  5. Directory 5 is for intermediate Language classes introduced in 2017
Teacher Comments
Only following values are permitted in teacher comemnts. Please refrain from putting free form text in this column.
  1. Student is making excellent progress.
  2. Student has a good attitude toward school.
  3. Student enjoys participating in classroom conversation.
  4. Student shows confidence and interest during class.
  5. Student makes a good effort and tries very hard in class.
  6. Student has shown some improvement during the year.
  7. Student is not consistent in performance during class.
  8. Student has difficulty following class rules and expectations.
  9. Student needs frequent encouragement.
  10. Student is not working to the best of the ability.
  11. Student dropped out.
Prepare Templates
Language coordinator
  1. Find dropbox folder identified in overview
  2. there is a template for each sub-department and level where a student is enrolled.
  3. Next year placement column header in each excel file reads correct session
  4. Let Technology know to prepare assessment files when done.
Email Template to Teachers
Technology run Publications::LanguageAssessment(); to prepare class specific files
Language coordinator review files in Dropbox/Vidyalaya-Roster/{SESSION}/assessment/excel directory
  1. For test run, make sure production is set to zero in file dakhila/php/Report/teacherEmail.inc
  2. run Report_teacherEmail::doAllStatic("languageAssessment") to email attachment to all taechers. one teacher gets one email for all classes
  3. The email is sent by spa@vidylaya.org and test email is sent to voting inbox.
Language coordinator approve email draft before Technology emails it to all Teachers
Receive Evaluation from Teachers
Language coordinator
  1. verify access to spa inbox, dakhila portal and dropbox roster folder
  2. The evaluations received back from Teachers in spa inbox are saved in Dropbox/Vidyalaya-Roster/{SESSION}/evaluation/input folder
  3. go to spa mailbox, in the search box type "subject:Assessment has:attachment" and hit enter.
  4. Review and validate all files
    1. Column header for next year contains correct session name
    2. Next year placement is populated
    3. Teacher comment contains a number
  5. Instruct Technology to prepare pdf reports and sample email to families
Communicate Report to Families
To Families
  1. File Evaluations.inc, line Mail::mailEvaluation($studentId, self::$html, 1); should be commented out so emails are not sent.
  2. File Evaluations.inc, line self::WriteStudentAssessment($category, $header, $cells); should be allowed to run to produce pdf files.
  3. Technology will run Evaluation::ProcessAllExcelFiles(); to generate reports.
  4. Test emails are sent to voting inbox.
Language coordinator
  1. Reports will be available in Dropbox/Vidyalaya-Roster/{SESSION}/evaluation/report/pdf directory.
  2. Review reports and sample email and instruct Technology to send to parents.
  1. File Evaluations.inc, line Mail::mailEvaluation($studentId, self::$html, 1); should run to send emails to families.
  2. Emails are sent from SPA email address.
New Year
  1. Run Evaluation::ProcessAllExcelFiles(); and comment out self::WriteStudentAssessment($category, $header, $cells); so no files are generated and no email is sent.
  2. File assessment.csv is saved in data directory to be used in viewer. scp it to production.
  3. The program also generates sql update commands to update the database.
Language coordinator
  1. Validate Placement
  2. Setup classrooms and teachers
Private Notes
PDF Compression
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do convert $i.pdf -compress Zip $i-c.pdf; done
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.7 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dQUIET -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf

total time: 0.0363 s, query time: 0.0037 s
ID: 850, Thu Aug 24 16:29:28 2023, EDT